Child and Wellness Care


seasonal flu treatment in kolkata by dr. sovana hoque

Seasonal Flu: Symptoms and When to call a doctor( Dr. Sovana Hoque, The Best Child Specialist in Kolkata)

Seasonal Flu

Seasonal Flu is a common respiratory infection caused by human seasonal influenza viruses. It is different from avian influenza. Avian influenza is caused by the influenza viruses that normally affect birds and poultry, such as chickens or ducks. These AI virus does not commonly infect human, there is little immunity power against them in the human population. People generally become infected with avian influenza through direct contact with infected birds and poultry (live or dead), their droppings, or contaminated environments.

The seasonal flu (influenza) can cause serious illness. Certain groups of people do have a higher risk of developing serious health conditions from the flu, especially children.Flu is most common during the winter months. Peak levels usually occur between late December and early March. You can actually avoid the seasonal flu by getting vaccinated your child every year.


a. sudden fever,
b. chills and shakes,
c. headache,
d. muscle aches,
e. extreme fatigue,
f. dry cough,
g. sore throat, and
h. loss of appetite.

How to know if my child has influenza?

Children with the flu may have the same symptoms as adults, but there can be differences:

a. Newborn babies may have a high fever.

b. Young children usually have temperatures over 39.5°C and may have fever fit.

c. Upset stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea are common in younger children. 

d. Earaches and red eyes 

e. In some cases, muscle inflammation can lead to severe leg or back pain. 

What should I do if my child has influenza?

a. Keep your child as comfortable as possible.
b. dress them in lightweight clothing.
c. Gargling with warm water will soothe a sore throat.

When should I call my doctor?

Contact your child specialist, if
a. your baby is having a breathing problem
b. high fever for a couple of days.
c. breathing rapidly.
d. chest pain
e. coughing badly
f. vomiting.

Importance of Flu vaccine

The yearly flu (influenza) vaccine is needed for all children 6 months and older. Influenza is a respiratory infection that can cause severe complications, particularly in young children. The flu vaccine is the best way to prevent the flu and its complications. The flu vaccine significantly reduces the risk.
The flu vaccine is very important this season. The flu and the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) show almost common symptoms. The flu vaccine reduces the severity of flu illness and you can avoid hospitalization due to this precautionary vaccine.
There are two types of flu vaccines. One is a flu shot and the other is nasal spray flu vaccine. Depending on your child’s age and health, you should choose between the flu shot and the nasal spray flu vaccine.

If you are anxious about your child’s development then you can connect with Dr. Sovana Hoque, the best pediatrician in newtown kolkata at Child & Wellness Care for the best new born care in Newtown kolkata

Seasonal Flu: Symptoms and When to call a doctor( Dr. Sovana Hoque, The Best Child Specialist in Kolkata) Read More »

importance of child development

Importance of Child Development ( Dr. Sovana Hoque, The Best Child Specialist in Kolkata)

The phase of early childhood development is the most important phase of life. Children need appropriate support from families, education, and healthcare professionals to reach their full potential during this period.

The importance of child development

After birth, The first three years are the periods when rapid growth and development occur, as a child’s brain creates complex neural pathways at an unprecedented speed. When the age is six, the brain has developed to 90% of its adult size, as children continue to absorb a staggering amount of information from their experiences and environment. These early experiences, both good and bad, lay the foundation for a child’s future survival, growth, health, and well-being. Research has consistently shown that good early childhood development has a direct positive impact on a child’s long-term health outcomes and improves future opportunities, school attainment and even earning potential. Another important impact of this period is the child’s emotional and social development, which is vital for their future confidence, communication, relationships, community inclusion, and mental health.

Steps of Healthy Child Development

1. Good Health: Parents should motivate good health by protecting the child from household and environmental danger, adopting good hygiene practices, and using promotive, preventive, and curative healthcare services. Parents should also take care of their child’s emotional state by responding affectionately and appropriately to their child’s needs.

2. Adequate Nutrition: Essential micronutrients are very important for a child’s brain and body to develop, both during a mother’s pregnancy and in the early period after birth. Essential nutrients may include proteins and fats to help the growth of the body and vitamin A to build the child’s immune system. 

3. Responsive Caregiving: Observation and response to a child’s physical, psychological and emotional needs are important for a child’s health, learning, and social relationships.

4. Security and Safety: Young children are incredibly unsafe to numerous threats within their environment. Children who do not feel safe and secure by a parent can withdraw socially and act fearful of adults and other children.

If you are anxious about your child’s development then you can connect with Dr. Sovana Hoque, the best child specialist in Kolkata at Child & Wellness Care for the best childcare clinic in Newtown Kolkata.

Importance of Child Development ( Dr. Sovana Hoque, The Best Child Specialist in Kolkata) Read More »

child corenutrition and malnutrition

Child CoreNutrition And Malnutrition

Details of Child Corenutrition And Malnutrition

Childhood nutrition refers to the dietary needs of healthy children aged 2 years to 11 years of age. A good eating routine helps youngsters develop and learn. This is possible if the parents follow some regular healthy routine for their children. This includes healthy sources of protein, avoiding junk food, consumption of milk and water instead of high-energy drinks, etc. In this article you will get to know the details of Child Corenutrition and Malnutrition

Since children younger than 2 years of age and children over the age of 11 years of age have unique nutritional requirements, the focus of this article is primarily on healthy children aged 2 to 11 years. A child’s diet should provide sufficient energy for proper growth and development while preventing excess weight gain. The diet should be moderate enough.


This stage of life, it’s almost all about breast milk. Breast milk will provide every nutrient a baby needs for the first year of life.

How to Model Good Nutrition for Your Child

Any parent can be a good role model for their children’s nutrition. Try these tips at home:

a.Buy fruits and vegetables rather than snacks. 

b.Pass along the basics of portion control. Kids also must learn to stop eating — nutritionists call it portion control. It is very important to know when to stop eating. Even if the child’s stomach is full and still the child continues to eat then it is harmful to health.

1. Value family mealtimes. If a child sees that other family members are having their meal without watching TV then the child gets a good lesson from them.

2. Track TV time. Limiting TV time is important. If a child spends most of the time seeing television, then it also affects the child’s health.

Water: Drink Up!

1. There is no specific amount of water recommended for children, but it is a good idea to give them water throughout the day — not just when they’re thirsty.

2. Babies generally do not need water during the first year of life.

3. If your child doesn’t like the taste of water, add a bit of lemon or lime for flavor.

4. Fruits and vegetables are also good sources of water.

5. Kids should drink more water when ill, in hot weather, or when engaged in physical activity.


It is a common phenomenon seen in many children when certain important nutrients are deficient in the child’s diet.

This malnutrition affects the growth, physical health, mood, behavior, and other functions of the body. It commonly affects children and the elderly.


The most common symptom of malnutrition is weight loss. There may be other symptoms like weakness, lack of energy, lack of strength, breathlessness, anemia, changes of the skin, hair, and nails, etc. in adults with malnutrition.

Causes of malnutrition

a. Improper diet

b. Lack of micro or macronutrients in the diet

c. increased losses 

d. increased energy expenditure 

To overcome this problematic condition, you need to adopt core nutrition for your child.

Core nutrition focuses on the micronutrients and macronutrients you need to grow each day.

If your child is facing this type of condition, then you can connect with a qualified child specialist like Dr. Sovana Hoque, the best pediatric doctor in newtown kolkata at Child & Wellness Care for the best childcare clinic in Newtown Kolkata.

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