Child and Wellness Care

How To Protect Child From Dengue

How To Protect Child From Dengue ( Dr. Sovana Hoque, The Best Child Specialist in Kolkata)

How To Protect Child From Dengue

Dengue is a viral disease. It occurs due to the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito. If the mother of Infants ever had dengue then they are at higher risk of getting a severe disease. This disease mainly spreads during day time. The dengue mosquitoes mainly breed in fresh water. From the article you will get a clear idea if how to protect child from dengue.

Symptoms of Dengue in Children

Dengue fever is mostly asymptomatic in children in the initial days but gradually materializes around 2-3 days after the infection.
a. Flu-like symptoms- The most common symptoms are fever, fatigue, and cough
b. Physical Discomfort- Children who are affected by dengue might experience joint pain, pain behind the eyes, back pain, headaches, and so on.
c. Skin issues- Itchy skin is one of the common symptoms of dengue fever.
d. Gastrointestinal Problems- Your child might feel nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Some Tips On How To Protect Child From Dengue

Use the right mosquito repellent

Whenever your child steps out use mosquito repellent. Also, make sure that the product is chemical-free and does not leave any negative effects on the skin.

Wear protective or fully covered Clothes

Make sure your children must wear protective clothing such as a full-sleeve shirt or full trousers. Also, avoid dark or bright colors as mosquitoes are attracted to them.

Include immunity-boosting food in your kids’ diet

A strong immunity provides the strength to fight against dengue. Therefore, you must add food to your kids’ diet, which will enhance your child’s immunity. Try to include broccoli, turmeric, yogurt, ginger, garlic, spinach, citrus foods, and almonds. Drink your child plenty of water. An enriching diet will help them fighting with the dengue virus.

Keep your surroundings clean

You should maintain your surroundings clean so that mosquitoes do not breed rapidly.

Use a mosquito net

You must use a mosquito net while your child is sleeping.

If you are anxious about your child’s development then you can connect with Dr. Sovana Hoque, the best child doctor in newtown kolkata at Child & Wellness Care for the best new born care in Newtown kolkata

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